Monday, August 9, 2010

One Concept.

Throughout this course, I've learned many concepts that I can use in everyday's argument. But one concept that I can definitely refer to even outside this class would be: appeals to emotion. I find this to be interesting and useful because I notice that a lot of people always argue over something based on what they feel. Before I even learned about this appeal, I never realize that many people does argue over something they feel strongly about. I believe that an argument is not even strong if someone says "because I believe so". Epstein's critical thinking book made me realize that premises are important too when it comes to arguments. Of course, people who never took this class will always think emotions play a role in our reasoning but really, premises is just as important too. Appeals to emotion made me realize that we can't make good decisions if we don't consider the significance in our emotional life and I think that's important to keep in mind.

1 comment:

  1. The appeal to emotion is a good concept. Although, I sort of wish that there was more talk and examples regarding the appeal to emotion in a political form? That would have been helpful. We do this everyday. When we talk to someone, we partially use our emotional side to talk to them about what we feel strongly about. At least, by taking this class, we are more cautious when we talk or debate with others, when it comes to our emotional side of beliefs. We now know that there more than one type of appeal to emotion, and can recognize it as we talk to others. Realizing when you yourself do it, and when others do it, helps you fix your misuse within the conversation and also gear the person you are talking to, towards the right path.
